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[3.15] a

3.15. “The results and findings of the safety assessment are to be documented, as appropriate, in the form of a safety report that reflects the complexity of the facility or activity and the radiation risks associated with it. The safety report presents the assessments and the analyses that have been carried out for the purpose of demonstrating that the facility or activity is in compliance with the fundamental safety principles and the requirements established in this Safety Requirements publication, and any other safety requirements as established in national laws and regulations” (para. 4.62 of IAEA GSR Part 4 (2009)).

[3.15] 안전원칙 및 안전요건

3.15. “안전성 평가 결과는 시설 또는 활동과 관련하여 방사선 위험의 복합성을 반영한 안전성 분석보고서 형태로 적절하게 문서화 되어야 한다. 안전성분석보고서는 시설 및 활동이 기본 안전원칙과 안전요건, 그리고 국가의 법률과 규정에 명시된 기타 안전요건을 준수한다는 것을 입증할 목적을 가지고 이행된 평가와 분석을 제시한다.” (IAEA GSR Part 4 (2009), 4.62항)