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[3.12] a

3.12. Furthermore:@@- “In the updating of the safety assessment, account also has to be taken of operating experience, including data on anticipated operational occurrences and accident conditions and accident precursors, both for the facility or the activity itself and for similar facilities or activities” (para. 4.7 of IAEA GSR Part 4 (2009)).

[3.12] 안전원칙 및 안전요건

3.12. 또한:@@- “안전성 평가의 갱신에는 예상되는 운전 사건, 사고 조건 및 사고 전 자료를 포함하여 운영 경험이 고려되어야 한다.” (IAEA No.GSR Part 4 (2009), 4.7항)